ahlan wa sahlan to ustaaza katy's website

Dear students and parents,
Ahlan wa sahlan (Welcome) to my website!
Throughout the academic year I plan to use this website to post important class information, such as the syllabus, weekly schedules, assignments and other materials. Additionally, there are resources like study tips and language information present for both students and parents.
Furthermore, check back regularly for authentic videos in Arabic, Words of the Week, study abroad information and more.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have!
Alf shukr, thank you,
Katy Whiting
[email protected]
Ahlan wa sahlan (Welcome) to my website!
Throughout the academic year I plan to use this website to post important class information, such as the syllabus, weekly schedules, assignments and other materials. Additionally, there are resources like study tips and language information present for both students and parents.
Furthermore, check back regularly for authentic videos in Arabic, Words of the Week, study abroad information and more.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have!
Alf shukr, thank you,
Katy Whiting
[email protected]
Check back here for more announcements during the semester.